
2019-08-07 10:14  阅读数:3699

美国敦促欧盟将MDR/IVDR的实施时间延迟3年,以便“美国出口商可以适应新法规的要求”,原因正在于该国代表团在世贸组织技术性贸易壁垒委员会发表的声明中所提出的担忧。“如果无法做到这一点(即:将施行时间延迟3年),我们极力主张欧盟允许于2024年之前在市场上销售目前被认为是安全的遗留产品(新法规MDR/IVDR实施后依据MDD/IVDD 签发的有效证书仍在市场销售的器械),并请求公告机构优先考虑需要新认证的器械,而非重新认证的器械。”
Qserve Consultancy公司的执行董事兼合伙人Gert Bos最近向Focus解释说明了业界可能对“公告机构领域内部整顿”立法意图有何期望,事实上内部整顿已经发生。有三家公告机构正式申请或至少暂时正在申请MDR和IVDR框架下的指定,从而增加了一系列不确定性。

EU MDR/IVDR: US Raises ‘Serious Concerns,’ Urges 3-Year Implementation Delay

The US raised “seriousconcerns” with several issues regarding the EU’s medical device and in vitrodiagnostic regulations (MDR/IVDR) and called on the EU to delay MDR/IVDR implementation by 3 years.
In a 24 July statement to the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade, theUS discusses the MDR/IVDR issues facing industry. “Our industry is worriedabout their continued access to the EU's USD 125 billion medical device market, USD 20 billion of which is supplied by US products.”
With just about nine monthsleft before MDR’s 26 May 2020 date of application, the 24 July statement fromthe delegation of the US highlights two issues that specifically concern theimplementation of the EU's new regulatory system being behind schedule. Theissues relate to the ongoing lack of notified bodies (NBs) designated against MDR/IVDR to support timely transitions and implementing acts to help ensurecompliance with new product standards.
The US urges the EU to delay MDR/IVDR implementation by 3 years to “allow for US exporters to adapt to thenew requirements” due to the concerns it cites in its statement to the WTO's committee. “If that is not possible, we urge the EU to allow for legacyproducts that are currently deemed safe to be sold on the market until 2024 andto ask” that NBs prioritize devices in need of new certification over thosebeing recertified.
The European Commission (EC) has designated only two NBs—BSI UK and TÜV SÜD—against MDR so far and none against IVDR. It has also set forth only two of the MDR/IVDR implement ingregulations—just one of which has been adopted so far. The EC adopted the implementing regulation on the list of codes for designating NBs under MDR/IVDRin November 2017 and it issued the draft implementing regulation on the common specifications for the reprocessing of single-use medical devices in accordance with MDR last month.
The EC still estimates designating 20 more NBs by the end of 2019. Yet the US says that DG GROW’sexpectation is for just 12 NBs to be designated by year’s end, arguing that this total would be insufficient to “ensure continued regulatory approvals by May 2020” and by IVDR’s 26 May 2022 date of application.
The US points to the lack of implementing regulations in stating that “EU standardizing bodies cannot beginwork on developing the standards industry may use to comply” with MDR/IVDR. TheEC’s draft standardization request, which was just posted in June, drew criticism from an industry group that urged EU standardizing bodies to rejectthe EC's request in its current form. "Industry maintains that the product standards necessary for compliance with MDR cannot be completed before the deadline,” according to the statement from the US.
The US statement further argues that the MDR/IVDR provisions intended to provide industry with transitional relief, which include the legislation's provisions for warehousing and the grace periods, have been “insufficient.”
An EU statement from 18 July, however, tells the WTO's committee that, "there are no grounds for the time being to explore any amendment to the transitional periods." On the current status of NBs' designation, the EU states that the final number of newly designated NBs will be "slightly lower compared to the current situation" and that "it could take some time for many" NBs to submit their applications based on their preparedness level because "one of the declared objectives of the new regulation is to have in place a safer" NB infrastructure.
Gert Bos, executive director and partner at Qserve consultancy, recently explained to Focus what industry could expect from the legislation's intent to "clean house in the NB field," which is already happening. Three NBs have officially or at leasttemporarily against applying for MDR and IVDR, adding to the pile ofuncertainty.
Yet the EU adds that it is "committed to take stepsto encourage" NBs to use audit reports from the Medical Device Single Audit Program "in a manner that is compatible with EU legislative requirements." It expects finalizing its work on guidelines for such purposes, which is reportedly already underway, by year's end.





