
2019-05-10 09:24  阅读数:3309


指南1:《符合IEC标准的医用X光成像设备》(Medical X-Ray Imaging Devices Conformance with IEC Standards)




“FDA之所以做出这一决定,是为了避免出现因制定某些很快会被最终规则所取代的临时程序而造成的混乱局面,”FDA表示。“然而,如该指南第五节所述,FDA认为,提交相关标准符合性声明以及产品报告中21 CFR 1002.10(a)和(b)所要求的型号标识,足以满足21 CFR 1002.10所规定的产品报告的要求,从而可以减少不必要的重复工作。”


指南2:《针对某些荧光透视设备要求的政策说明》(Policy Clarification for Certain Fluoroscopic Equipment Requirements)

该指南草案于2014年9月对外发布,而这份6页的指南文件为其最终版本,涉及美国联邦关于透视设备性能标准的三个方面。这三个方面分别为:荧光透视照射时间、图像冻结(last image hold,LIH)和紧急荧光透视模式。


除了以上两份关于X光成像设备的指南文件外,同日,FDA还最终定稿了另一份指南文件(《利用动物研究评估器官保存设备》(Utilizing Animal Studies to Evaluate Organ Preservation Devices))。在这份最终指南文件中,提供了利用动物研究评估器官保存设备的最佳实践建议。



FDA Finalizes Two Guidances to Align X-Ray Imaging Devices With International Standards

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Tuesday finalized two guidance documents related to harmonizing X-ray device performance standards with international standards, and federal performance standards for fluoroscopic equipment.

On the harmonization front, FDA is looking to align performance standards prescribed by the Electronic Product Radiation Control (EPRC) with standards from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to help to ensure more efficient and consistent regulatory review of submissions for X-ray imaging equipment.

“FDA has determined that industry conformance to certain IEC standards would provide, at a minimum, the same level of protection of the public health and safety from electronic radiation as certain EPRC regulatory standards,” the agency said. The 6-page guidance finalized a draft from August 2016.

But because a recently proposed rule would eliminate the reporting requirements for X-ray imaging devices, FDA determined that the proposed policy outlined in the draft guidance, which stated that X-ray imaging devices that conform to IEC standards would be considered to have met the EPRC reporting requirements, should be removed from the final version.

“This decision was made to avoid the confusion inherent in establishing an interim procedure that would shortly be superseded by the final rule,” FDA said. “However, as stated in section V. of the guidance, FDA believes that submission of a declaration of conformity to the appropriate standards, and model identification as required by 21 CFR 1002.10(a) and (b), in a product report, would be sufficient to meet the requirements of a product report under 21 CFR 1002.10, thus reducing duplication.”

But FDA also cautions industry that failing to meet any requirements relating to the emission of electronic product radiation of an IEC standard, corrigenda or amendment to which a manufacturer declares conformance is an electronic product defect and is cause for notification and repurchase, repair or replacement.

The other 6-page guidance, which finalizes a draft from September 2014, addresses three aspects of the federal performance standard for fluoroscopic equipment. The three aspects include: Fluoroscopic Irradiation Time, Last-Image Hold and Emergency Fluoroscopy Mode.

▍Organ Preservation Devices

In addition to the two guidance documents on X-ray devices, FDA also finalized another guidance on Tuesday providing recommendations regarding best practices for utilizing animal studies for the evaluation of organ preservation devices.

“FDA recognizes that best practices for conducting animal studies to evaluate organ preservation devices are evolving with the rapid advancements in such technologies. This guidance is not intended to be comprehensive or prescriptive. Instead, it aims to highlight FDA's initial thoughts on how animal transplant models can be utilized to evaluate organ preservation technologies, with careful considerations of regulatory least burdensome principles,” the agency said.









