
2019-02-19 11:42  阅读数:3769

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美国ERC和加利福尼亚大学欧文分校 (UCI) 开始使用ERC公司的临床试验用化合物ERC-1671(在欧洲也称为Gliovac)进行治疗,该化合物目前在美国处于II期临床试验阶段。2018年11月下旬,该患者开始接受ERC-1671治疗。



宾夕法尼亚大学医学伦理学教授Holly Fernandez Lynch向Focus解释说,ERC公司在这种情况下运用尝试权法案“似乎毫无必要,而且也毫无其他益处”,因为FDA很有可能会通过其扩大的准入途径接受这一实验性治疗申请。

Holly Fernandez Lynch补充道:“如果在单靠扩大准入范围就可以解决问题时再去运用“尝试权”,对患者来说反而会更麻烦,同时会让人觉得FDA的存在就是一个障碍,而事实上并非如此。”从试图削弱FDA在这方面的作用来看,该公司实在是目光短浅。

其他一些公司(包括Therapeutics Solutions International)已经开始对外宣布其打算运用 “尝试权”的意向。不过,戈德华特研究所(Goldwater institute)表示,目前还没有其他患者运用过这项新法案。

据BioCentury报道,FDA肿瘤卓越中心也正在开展一项名为“Project Facilitate”的新行动。根据该行动方案的要求,FDA将会提供一个电话号码,而那些想要寻求扩大实验性治疗准入范围的患者和医生均可以拨打该号码。同时,FDA会有相关工作人员负责接听电话,并填写单个患者的新药研究申请所需表格。这类文件资料随后将转发给制造商。该行动试点预计将在2019年上半年启动。


First Patient Treated Under Right to Try Law

A patient diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer became the first person in the US to access an experimental treatment under the Right to Try law of 2017. The law has been touted as a new way to help people with terminal illnesses and few other therapeutic options, although until now, no patients had ever used the law.

ERC-USA and the University of California, Irvine initiated treatment with the company’s investigational compound ERC-1671, also known as Gliovac in Europe, and which is in Phase 2 clinical trials in the US. The patient’s treatment with ERC-1671 began at the university in late November 2018.

The patient resorted to Right to Try after failing to qualify for enrollment in the ongoing trial. But rather than work around the agency that may eventually approve the experimental treatment, the company said in August that it informed the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that it intended to make the experimental treatment available to this one patient. FDA acknowledged acceptance of the company’s notification on 13 July, ERC said.

The law has proven to be a thorn in the side of FDA, which has said it will work to implement it in a manner consistent with congressional intent and with FDA's public health mission, but the agency still has its own process for helping terminally ill patients receive experimental treatments, known as expanded access. FDA grants about 99% of the expanded access requests it receives.

Holly Fernandez Lynch, a professor of medical ethics at the University of Pennsylvania, explained to Focus that the company's use of the Right to Try law in this case "seems totally unnecessary and unhelpful" as FDA likely would have accepted this application through its expanded access pathway.

"If you use Right to Try when expanded access is available, it muddies the waters for patients and gives the impression FDA is a barrier when it isn't," she added. It's short-sighted of the company to try to undercut FDA's role in the process.

Other companies, including Therapeutics Solutions International, have promotionally announced their intentions to use Right to Try, though according to Goldwater Institute, no other patients have yet to use the new law.

According to BioCentury, FDA’s Oncology Center of Excellence is also working on a new initiative, known as Project Facilitate, under which the agency will provide a telephone number that patients and physicians seeking expanded access to an experimental treatment can call. FDA staff will answer calls and fill out the form required to apply for a single-patient IND request. The paperwork will be forwarded to the manufacturer. A pilot version of this initiative is expected to launch in the first half of 2019.








